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MSCA Governance 

MSCA functions because of our member involvement. We have our own governing bodies and committees that advocate for our membership. Below you will discover the structures of MSCA's governance. These include the Board of Directors, the MSCA Delegate Assembly, other established and ad hoc MSCA Committees. You can also learn about the Union Governance Rights that come along with your membership. 

Click the link above to learn about your rights in all four of our union affiliates. 

The MSCA Board of Directors is constituted of MSCA State Leadership (e.g. MSCA State President, MSCA State Grievance Officer, etc.) along with representative of Chapter Leadership at each of our nine universities in the union. Often referred to as the BoD, this body votes on collective decisions, among other tasks. If you click the link above you can find the dates, locations, agendas, and recorded minutes of each BoD meeting.

Click the link above to learn about the Delegate Assembly, which is the policy-making authority of MSCA. 

MSCA has many committees that are made up of members across the nine universities. These committees each have particular goals and functions. You can click the link above to learn more about their composition. 

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